A unique collection of gathered, processed and connected data from the protocols of the contracting entities, published in more than 5.000 buyer profiles, alongside with the full set of documents from the Register of Public Procurements.
Only in “PPA Files” you can find thoroughly processed and systematised information on every participant in the public procurements – contractors, ranked and unranked as well as excluded from the procurement procedures companies and associations.
Unique advantages of the system
- Identification of all participants who have filed offers for participation in the procurements – companies and associations including their members as well as sub-contractors and third parties
- Information about the candidates for separate lots, rankings, legal basis for exclusion.
- Access to the full file of the procurement with a document search option in the buyer profile – protocols, reports of the commissions, decisions of the contracting authority for the ranking or termination – for all procurements after 15.04.2016.
By using “PPA Files” you also get:
- Notifications for new public procurements and for new documents on already announced procurements
- Vast possibilities for search quires based on different criteria
- Direct link to the companies and organisations’ files in APIS Register + system.
The “PPA Files” product is intended for:
- Contracting entities
- Contractors
- Consultants on public procurements.
The “PPA Files” is a valuable asset for preparing and conducting public procurement procedures.
The system ensures transparency of assigning and carrying out of public procurements by providing access to the documents of the commissions of the contracting entities – ranging from the receipt of the participants’ documents, evaluation of their capacity according to the criterion set by the contracting authority, ranking of the participants and reasons for exclusion of participants to selection of a contractor or contractors (for procurement procedures divided into lots).
“PPA Files” provide you with information about:
- Participating candidates who have filed offers
- Similar procurements based on different criteria
- Appeal proceedings
- Procurements with additional amendments to the contract
- Procurement procedures for award by solicitation of tenders by advertisement or invitation to specific persons (see Article 20(3) PPA), for which no data is published in the Public Procurements Register. In addition to the information for the participants who have filed offers, users are also provided with access to the ranking where the chosen contractor is shown.
In addition to the means of reference provided by the Public Procurements Register, our search options provide some other search criteria, such as:
- Full-text search in all procurement documents as well as specific search in the protocols, reports and other documents from the buyer profile
- Search by value of the procurement – by estimated value and/or value according to the contract
When used together with the information system for companies and organizations – “Apis Register+”, the file in the Commercial register of each company is available and you can obtain information for the number of staff members, granted licenses and certificates as well as to conduct search queries for the persons who are economically connected to a certain company.
The data sources used by the “PPA Files” system are:
- Documents from the buyer profile
- The Public Procurements Register
- “Apis Register+” system – in connection with the identification by UIC of the participants in the procurement procedures.