Fundamental element in the activity of the APIS group companies is the continuous improvement and enhancement of the quality of the developed products and the rendered services. The main goal is through ensuring quality and satisfying the needs and expectations of our clients to achieve continuous development and financial success for APIS.
In order to achieve this goal we have chosen to be technological leaders on the Bulgarian market and insofar as these technologies are applicable also for other markets, to be leaders on the external markets too, in the field of the full-text data bases in the law and in other close fields by using large data bases. This is possible through provision of an uniform complex of unique software, data, competence and services on the provision, maintenance and update of these data bases.
Quality appears a priority goal for APIS. Therefore my essential responsibility is to ensure the effective functioning and application of the developed and implemented quality management system and to establish conditions for its constant improvement. The whole policy of APIS has been and currently is oriented to the most complete satisfaction of the present and future needs of the clients. The contented clients are a prerequisite for the stable future of any company. The clients can be attracted and kept for a long period of time only by offering a variety of products and services with constantly growing quality and functionality.
In order to reach our fundamental goal, we:
- Follow the world tendencies in the development of the computer technologies and we offer the modern high-technology solutions;
- Carefully examine the present and future needs of the clients;
- Control all stages of the processes on development of a software and provision of services, according to the established procedures and working instructions of the quality management system;
- Guarantee the professional qualification of the personnel and establish conditions for its constant improvement;
- Provide our employees with the most qualitative development equipment and software, needed for implementation of the specified production tasks and technologies and means for continuous quality control.
In my capacity as a manager of APIS, I hereby oblige myself to:
- Realize the declared Quality policy of APIS;
- Implement effective control for the proper implementation, maintenance and improvement of the implemented quality system;
- Establish conditions and provide resources for the effective functioning of the quality management system;
- Require from the personnel of APIS strict implementation of the activities, described in the procedures and the working instructions thereto;
- Require from the personnel and the external associates to satisfy the requirements of our clients with their activity.
The responsibility for the continuous improvement and enhancement of the quality of the developed products and offered services is realized and supported by the whole APIS personnel, including the responsible officials, holding key positions in the organizational and technological structure of APIS.
The whole personnel may approach me on issues, concerning the functioning of the quality management system and may participate in its continuous improvement by making proposals related to activity, implemented by it, as well as upon the elimination of the ascertained or potential discrepancies.
Manager / executive director / of APIS:
Vasil Hristovich