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Multilingual web based service providing access to the case law of leading European jurisdictions

EuroCases is a multilingual web based service providing access to the case law of leading European jurisdictions which apply EU law in order to solve a given legal issue pending before them.

Сontent of EuroCases

EuroCases gives you access to:

  • Legislative acts of the EU: Treaties; International Conventions; Legislation – regulations, directives, decisions, other acts (each and every one of them available in English, German, French and Bulgarian)
  • Jurisprudence of the CoJ: Judgments, orders or other rulings of the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal (available in English, German, French and Bulgarian)
  • National case law related to the application of EU law (it is in the original language, but the summary and keywords are also available in either English, French or German for the more important judicial decisions). Most cases encompassed by EuroCases is from the MSs Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, UK and France
  • Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (available in English and French).

Advantages of EuroCases

EuroCases is a unique database system since it provides access to over 100 000 national cases which relate to the application of EU law. In that regard its main features are:

  • Connection of various information sources – European and national – in a better and more user-friendly format thus enabling the user to access the data quicker and more efficiently
  • The storing and classification of a rich collection of judicial acts in different languages, which helps the user overcome the language barrier and find the desired judicial acts on a given law-subject related, for example, to the application of a given Regulation or Directive
  • Availability of links ''from'' and ''to'' documents and a possibility for searching all decisions which cite one and the same European provision.

Thanks to its remarkable content and functionalities as well as its practically-oriented approach EuroCases is indispensible asset for all legal professionals in Europe who deal with and apply EU law in the course of their professional activities.

More information about the service is published on the website of the application: