APIS presented the FACILEX platform during an international conference dedicated to judicial cooperation in the EU

03 December 2024


On November 29, 2024, an international conference on "Facilitating Mutual Recognition through Algorithms and AI" was held at the University of Bologna, Italy. The conference was the last event within the framework of the FACILEX project, co-financed by the Justice Programme of the European Union, at which the results of the two-year work of the multinational team of experts in criminal law and legal informatics were presented.

The focus of the forum was on the implementation of the three main EU mutual recognition mechanisms - the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), the European Investigation Order (EIO) and Regulation 2018/1805. Legal researchers from leading European academic institutions - the universities of Bologna, Maastricht, Wroclaw, Zagreb, as well as representatives of the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) - spoke about the process of national implementation of this EU legislation.

The last part of the event was dedicated to the rule-based methods and artificial intelligence to facilitate the work of legal professionals. In this context, the functionalities of the free online platform FACILEX, developed within the framework of the project with the active participation of APIS Europe, were presented to the audience. Liliya Kachoreva - a member of the legal team of APIS Europe, demonstrated the "Advisory Module" of the FACILEX platform, with the help of which she performed a quick comparative analysis of the extent to which selected countries have transposed the Framework Decision on EAW. Special attention was also paid to the expert comments available in the module, which were prepared by legal experts from the participating Member States as part of the project activities. The full texts of the national reports on the implementation of the three EU acts examined can be found in the "Legal Database" module of the FACILEX platform.

At the end of the conference, the contribution of the project to the promotion of cooperation on criminal matters between Member States was highlighted. The presented online platform was assessed as having significant potential for educational and practical purposes.


The final version of the FACILEX platform is now fully operational and available for judges, prosecutors, lawyers, legal academics, students, as well as all other interested professionals and citizens.


It provides free access to information and decision support tools in two subject areas:


- procedural rights of persons suspected or accused of a crime;


- mutual recognition instruments - EAW, EIO, Regulation 2018/1805.


Try it out at: https://facilex-tool.eu.