APIS is involved in the InterLex project aiming at development of an online platform in the field of private international law

31 October 2018
APIS is a partner in the EU-funded project InterLex coordinated by the University of Turin and involving five European-wide academic institutions and a Lawyers Association.  The aim of the two-year project, which started in September 2018, is to develop an online platform for providing information, decision support and training on internet-related private international law cases. The role of APIS is to develop the software of the InterLex platform and to deliver the content regarding Bulgarian case law and legislation in this field.

The European private international law provisions strive to harmonise the following issues:

1) Which state court has jurisdiction in private matters having cross-border implications,

2) Which state law is applicable in such matters, and

3) Under which conditions can a foreign decision be recognised and enforced in another country.

Scientific research on private international law reveals the need for improved understanding of the interaction between European and national laws, as well as commonalities and differences among the different private international law instruments at the national and international level. The need to improve the application of private international law is particularly intense in the domain of Internet law. As the Internet transcends national barriers, many Internet law cases involve different legal systems.  Private international law issues are involved in many Internet law cases, issues such as contracts, consumer protection, torts, and data protection.

The InterLex online platform addresses the identification of the legal system having jurisdiction and of the national law to be applied to a case, as well as the retrieval of relevant legal materials. The platform will deliver: A) a free of charge information and decision support service directed to legal professionals (lawyers, magistrates, and public servants), but also accessible to law students and citizens, and B) training module for legal professionals and law students.

More information on InterLex project is available on its website: http://www.interlexproject.eu/.