APIS is a partner in the EU-funded project InterLex coordinated by the University of Turin and involving five European-wide academic institutions and a Lawyers Association. The aim of the project is to develop an online platform for providing information, decision support and training on internet-related private international law cases.
Demo versions of two of the modules are now available trough the InterLex portal:
1. Decision Support Module - offers users a guided tour, according the relevant rules of legislation and case law, to determine jurisdiction and/or applicable law in a specific Internet law case involving an international element and
2. Find Law Module - supports users in retrieving legal information in a large collection of European, national and international instruments and case law in the area of Internet-related private international law as well as commentaries of renowned experts, journal articles, guidelines, authorial notes and other theoretical and practical materials.
In the scope of the project a Training Module will be accessible to be used in taught courses as well as in self-training of students and magistrates. It will include both the interactive visualisation of content and practical exercises.